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Thursday, March 31, 2016


  •  Името на Бог во древниот Негев

Истражувањата на Прото-Синајските гравури направени од И. Бејт-Ариј и Б.Сас, резултирала со откривање на неколку натписи за пан Каанското име за Бог (ЕЛ),на Синај датирани во периодот помеѓу 17 и 15 век пред новата ера. На натписите Мин Л., Синај Бр. 377 и 378 а исто така и #`с 350 и 363 било идентифицирано името ЕЛ со очигледна јасност. Гравури на дел од натписите од колекцијата на Проф. Бенџамин Сас,се претставени во неговата публикација од 1988, целосно исцитирана во Библиографијата .Од овие пак тринаесетина пристапуваме кон онаа што е најблиску до сопственото ни објаснување. Тоа е гравурата означена со бројот 98

Во хибру јазикот поимот Бог се запишува со следниве букви

  Кратките натписи се навистина многу вредни, и како такви, воопшто не ви останува простор за аргументирање.Доколку пак таков простор и постои,тога тој е сосема мал ,така што критичарите немаат околу што да оспоруваат. ЕЛ е широко прифатено како титула за Бог од страна на целиот Канаански народ и неговото име се соединува со Ја во некои Прото-Канаански натписи. Титулата Ја сеуште не е пронајдено во Синај, или можеби само останало неоткриено? Сметајќи дека просторот за аргументирање постои,ние споредуваме,за да надополниме, за да дојдеме до етимологијата што сеуште ја нема кај браќата Израелци. Значи ,Ел во хибру јазикот означува Бог .Според нашево

 Обратна ротација на буквата наречена алфа  = Е=Ма

  првиот испишан збор за Бог  = | ` или  Г  во неговата ротирачка форма  L = Ма

Оттука имаме:




ЕL= МаМа или Мама

Зошто е тешко да се пронајде ваквата  етимологија?

Одговорот на прашањето го дава Библијата,каде се чита што Мојсие му наредил на својот народ, да прави и како да се однесува спрема каанските жителите на каанската територија во која се населувале ..``Немој да им се клањаш на боговите нивни, ни да им служиш,ниту да правиш што тие прават ,туку урни ги и ликовите нивни уништи ги...’’7



6-Sass, Benjamin. The Genesis of the Alphabet and its Development in the Second Millennium B.C. (Ägypten und Altes Testament 13)1988.. Wiesbaden .

7 -Излез ,Втора книга Мојсеева 23:24

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Во почетокот беше Дума и думата беше Мама

Во почетокот беше Словото

1,Во почетокот беше Словото и Словото беше во Бога и Бог беше Словото
2.Тоа во почетокот беше во Бога
3. *Се стана преку Него и без Него не стана ништо што стана 1

Кон оваа енигма ќе пристапиме на следниов начин :
Укажуваме дека се работи за Концепт ,кој е испишан во предхристијанско време и поради одредени причини  преземен  и во христијанството.Испишан е во Новиот Завет во Евангелието според Јован 1:1

Ќе посочиме дека постојат две страни , лева и десна со знакот на еднаквост меѓу нив .
Левата страна е во зборот Бог , а десната во зборот  -  збор.
Предусловот е да се пронајде збор  во кој би го  имале значењето и на титулата Бог истовремено имајќи го и значењето на збор со себе .

Кај нас е усвоен концептот  Бог + Слово ,кој е  темелник за опишување  веронакуката која кај нас се наречка токму така Богословија.

Ќе пристапиме кон согледување на еднаквоста преку нашиот македонски јазик,спазувајќи ги притоа сите одредени предуслови.
Тие се :
Еднаквоста како предуслов.
 За да постои разрешување на еднаквоста   потребно е да се одговори на неколку прашања?

1.Како да се стави еднаквост меѓу левата и десната страна на оваа Енигма ?
2. Кој е зборот што треба да се употребува ?
Да одговориме преку ред .
За да се стави знакот еднаквост меѓу  титулата  Бог и називот Слово потребно е да се замени зборот Слово со некој поприфатлив термин.
Ова е потребно бидејќи  Бог+ Слово ,од аспект на лингвистиката создаваат нова кованка Богословија ,

која самата за себе не прикажува еднаквост помеѓу Бог+ Слово.
Не прикажува еднаквост бидејќи како зборови се два различни збора ,кои создаваат трет збор
Бог + Слово = Богословија
 1    +   2       =    3

А за да биде еднаквост потребно е да се испишува вака :

1+1 = 2

Концептот што е стандардизиран кај нас не го исполнува тој услов бидејќи
Бог + Слово = Богословија .
Или затоа што Богословија како збор е создаден одпосле откако Бог ќе се поврзе со Слово .Затоа и се нарекува кованка , која се создава отпосле ,а која не постоела од порано.
А ние бараме термин создаден кој објаснува за “ во почетокот’’

Кај нас во македонскиот постојат следниве зборови кои имаат исто значење:дума ,збор,лаф,реч,слово.

1-Нов Завет , Евангелие според Јован 1:1

Saturday, March 26, 2016

In the beginning was the Word ,and the Word was the word ,and word was Mama

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God.
 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.…

"And the word was - the Word "
What do we have at present days Macedonian is
God - Bog and The Word - Slovo

This concept does provide neologism Bog+ Slovo= Bogoslovija .Bogoslovija is parallel of English Theology. And so fare nothing more.
But other than Slovo ,dialectical we do have in use some more different words with the same the word meaning.Those words are : Rec, laf, zbor, duma 

First requirement - The Word
And the Word was - duma .

I am having this entrance :
Duma instead of Slovo .

Why Duma ?

Because this word describing that is about one universe UM or mind or brain, intelligence, intellect, intellectual capabilities, brains, brainpower, wits,
or d UM a 

And that UM is with Her or it is Ma ones ...
or du MA 
The Beginning
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
1.In the beginning was Duma , and Duma was with God, and du MA was God.

And because this is Pre Christianity times concept, we will say that it used to be Goddess of Ma expressed as feminine ,what was replaced with a tittle of God expressed as masculine.
And so analyse leading up to Ma + duMa Concept

if we agree that the very first tittle of God used to be written as |` or Г 
than we will have another view .

Observing this Concept trough tittle of Ma we will point for one more time that Letter m at itself brings the “Doctrine of the Holy Trinity code"
presented as ||| joined with few ``` as as |` |` |` 

Letter m orthography 
|` |` |` 

` ->a 

or presented as summation 
|` + |` + |` 
Ma + Ma + Ma 

Let's say we have "The Three-One God" formula.
I prefer this formula as part of my theses
where first two Ma+Ma are =Make or dualistic form of Mother + Mother and the third Ma "coming" ,duMa . 
DuMa with it's two meanings of -
thinking and 
-the word 

This :
|` + |` + |` 
Ma + Ma + Ma 
MaMa+ Ma 

could be a base for The Word concept at this way :
Ma+Ma + du Ma 

All of that together as kind of *MaMaDuma concept provided in feminine gender,feather than Theology,its equal adopted as masculine form

Second requirement
multiplication for the word God .

, and Duma was with God,

Here we have got that either Duma is God , duMa need to be with God ...

let`s put at on this way .
This part of sentence request one more Word , one more Gods tittle what will be the same as tittle Ma is for her self .
So, we add duMa to MaMa ,and we will write on the way should it be .

MaMa + duMa

and Duma was with Go

and duMa was with MaMa

In Macedonian language
Mama is as elsewhere singular expressed word .
but from sing, we will match its dual form at this splitting way.
Mama- sing.
Ma+Ma = pl.
1+1 = 2
Dual as more then one and less than three at Macedonian language is always presented with letter E at the word ends.
Examples for parallel today are the words
раце -race - hands
нозе -noze -legs
Always letter e as words ending
From MaMa to MakE

Indeed I am so fare missing a bridging in between these two words , but some how I am "breathing behind theirs neck"
Skipping what I am missing ,I am moving forward.My country name is Makedonija or Macedonia .Splitting this name we have two words as ground for neologism .
Make + Don or Mace Don

Word Make
Does means Mother , and because we have letter E ending we have enter that is about word Mama
Ма+Ма = >МакЕ
and it is about word mother Мајка Мајка meaning Goddesses , expressed as feminine
Word standing for God in Macedonian is Bog or Бог and it is expressed as masculine .

From Make to Bog

examples of word changes in Macedonian languages are in the word standing for gibberish

For letter m->b shift

Mrmori mutters
Brbori blabbing

Bekenje as domestic onomatopoeia

Make means Mother


another m->b changes

SeMele / CyBelle

The Bacchæ's Chorus tells us that the timbrel, the flat drum, of Dionysos comes from the Mother --- that is, Kybele. Dionysos' connection with the Mother and with His Mother Semele and with females in general point to the OLD religion of Mother and Child.

Changes of M, esp. in dialects:

2. into B,
as Mεμβράς ,Bεμβράς; Bροτός, Aeol. Mορτός ( v.άμβροτος fin.) and άBροτάξομεν for (from άMαρτάνω) ; μολєίν aor. of. βλώσκω ; κυBєρνήτης , Aeol. κυMєρνήτης ...1
Next shift is with K -> G letters
Examples ar at the words standing for Istar ... Istar is Veligden , because is Great day Velik day
change of k-g

I. κ is near akin to γ,χ.,differing only in its harder pronunciation; hence, the older Att. changed χνόος γναπτω ρευχω,into κνοος κναπτω : so in Ion. χιτων became κιθων ,βεχομαι βεκομαι,βατραχος βατρακος,χυτρα κυθρη,etc.; soγονυ (cf. προχνυ) is akin to our knee; cf.Lob.P.HRYN.173, 307. ….3
From here we can see that at word γναπτω κναπτω there is ancient k-g change records ,as well noted at previouses pages at the same lexicon ,given under the letter Γ
as ….
IV.also with κ, γναπτω κναπτω ....4

K-G-changes into Macedonian
VeliK den
VeliGden -Istar



or from feminine tittle of Her up to masculine tittle of Him

Make - Mother
Bog - Father

English analogy could be seen at the words
Mother from Ma Terra up to
Father from Pa Terra


1-Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott “Greek-English Lexicon” ,London,1896… page.953

3- George Liddell and Robert Scott “Greek-English Lexicon” ,London,1896… page.750
4- George Liddell and Robert Scott “Greek-English Lexicon” ,London,1896… page.306
With this k->g change we have

2He was in the beginning with God. 
Second requirement 
multiplication for the word God gave making equality explaining that duMa was in the beginning with Make 

, and The Word was with God, 
analyzing via previously changes will say that been done at this way 

Duma was with MaMa 
MaMa is with duMa 
Make is with DuMa 
at the same way as 
Ma is with Terra - Mother 
Pa is with Terra -Padre- Father 
Difference is that Terra does not stand more than for Earth

3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.…

And God said, and it happened .God all has done with his Word .
And Make pro -Duma and it happened . What is that all things ?

The answer is four elements

At English that could sound at this way
Using the word Terra
Terra - The Earth
Terra -Water
Terra - air
Terra - Fire

Duma standing for four elements at Macedonian

Duma for the Earth


While reconstruction make from PIE via the word *dhghom where compared with :
Latin hum-us, old Macedonian zemlja
Litvanian žem-ė
Avestinian zam
Greek kham-aí leading to *ghom-/*ghem , expanding trough Greek khthōn, gen. khthonós
Sans kšam-
Hetitian tekan, gen. tagnas,compat..` tagan ‘

Trough all of it ,already reconstructed word should be *ghðom-, with *ghð initial what lead to Greek khth and Sans. kš.
Further assume that the sound reduction from *ghð to *gh does make very first sounding group for a lott of I.E. linguists
Theirs another group of IE linguists what *ghð will take out of *ghz as second sounding group.
And we will follow this second sounds *gh. -> *ghð ->*ghz, observing trough D-Dz sound

Adding this letter transformation
at the word Duma we could have :

Dz um æ
Dzem æ* ->Zem æ ->Zemia ->zemja the Earth

Could you see similarity with the Goddesses of Semele or Cybele ?
Thus because MakeDon under letter means Earth Mother

Over letter Dz ( Ѕ ) in Macedonian have to explain that prove we have is at the latest Macedonian reformer and his Grammar of Macedonian Language where he is paving over that instead of dialectical Dzemia ( Ѕемја) in use will be word Zemja (Земја ) as well as for the word edzero will be ezero, Lake , solza instead od soldzi tears ...and so on...1
1-Blaze Koneski," Macedonian literature language Grammar part I and II ", Skopje 1976 111

2 He was in the beginning with God. 

Second requirement 
multiplication for the word God gave making equality explaining that duMa was in the beginning with Make 

, and The Word was with God, 
analyzing via previously changes will say that been done at this way 

Duma was with MaMa 
MaMa is with duMa 
Make is with DuMa 

at the same way as 
Ma is with Terra - Mother 
Pa is with Terra -Padre- Father 

Difference is that Terra does not stand more than for Earth

3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.…

And God said, and it happened .God all has done with his Word .
And Make pro -Duma and it happened . What is that all things ?

The answer is four elements 

At English that could sound at this way 
Using the word Terra 
Terra - The Earth 
Terra -Water 
Terra - air 
Terra - Fire

Duma standing for four elements at Macedonian

Duma for the Earth


While reconstruction make from PIE via the word *dhghom where compared with :
Latin hum-us, old Macedonian zemlja
Litvanian žem-ė
Avestinian zam
Greek kham-aí leading to *ghom-/*ghem , expanding trough Greek khthōn, gen. khthonós
Sans kšam-
Hetitian tekan, gen. tagnas,compat..` tagan ‘

Trough all of it ,already reconstructed word should be *ghðom-, with *ghð initial what lead to Greek khth and Sans. kš.
Further assume that the sound reduction from *ghð to *gh does make very first sounding group for a lott of I.E. linguists
Theirs another group of IE linguists what *ghð will take out of *ghz as second sounding group.
And we will follow this second sounds *gh. -> *ghð ->*ghz, observing trough D-Dz sound

Adding this letter transformation
at the word Duma we could have :

Dz um æ
Dzem æ* ->Zem æ ->Zemia ->zemja the Earth

Could you see similarity with the Goddesses of Semele or Cybele ?
Thus because MakeDon under letter means Earth Mother

Over letter Dz ( Ѕ ) in Macedonian have to explain that prove we have is at the latest Macedonian reformer and his Grammar of Macedonian Language where he is paving over that instead of dialectical Dzemia ( Ѕемја) in use will be word Zemja (Земја ) as well as for the word edzero will be ezero, Lake , solza instead od soldzi tears ...and so on...6
6-Blaze Koneski," Macedonian literature language Grammar part I and II ", Skopje 1976 111

Duma standing for root of tittle for God world wide

Juma la -Finnish~*D+juma~*Djumala~*Duma
Dduw, nuw, Celi, Dofydd, celi, cheli, geli, ngheli-Welsh

From Duma to Earth

There is a text written by Piotr Gasiorowski what I would like to share .Reason is because link I have does not work while ago.

Headword: *dhghom- ‘earth’

Why is a bridegroom called ‘a bridegroom’? The first half is easy, and the second seems to be the same as groom ‘a person employed to clean and look after horses’ or (archaic) ‘manservant’ . A bridegroom would therefore be ‘the male attendant of a bride’, perhaps, though none of the things he actually does to her is normally described as grooming.
This kind of explanation is called folk etymology or popular etymology. It looks sensible and most people would accept it without asking further questions. But the linguist’s duty is to make sure, just in case, that the etymology is endorsed by historical data. The word in question is known from early English, as well as from other Germanic languages, but in a slightly different shape:
Old English brydguma, Old Norse bruþgumi, Old High German brutigomo.
It begins to look as if the r in -groom were unetymological, that is to say added to a word that didn’t originally contain it. But what was guma supposed to mean? Fortunately, the word existed on its own in Old English with the meaning ‘man’. Some of its grammatical forms, such as the nominative plural guman, display a stem-final n lost in nominative singular. Guma has not survived (or it would be goom in Modern English) except in the compound bride-goom, reshaped into bride-groom precisely because after the extinction of goom people couldn’t make sense of the second element unless they misheard it as groom.

Old English guma and its cousins

Guma (pl. guman) is cognate to Latin homo (pl. homines) and Old Lithuanian žmuô (pl. žmónės). In Latin, the word-family grew larger: humanus, humanitas etc. All these nouns go back to something like PIE *ghmon-, *gh@mon-. But here a new story begins. In the stem just reconstructed, *-on is a suffix added to a root which is also found in a family of words meaning ‘earth, ground, land’ and the like. Here are some examples:
Latin hum-us
Old Macedonian zemlja
Lithuanian žem-ė
Avestan zam
Albanian dhe
Greek kham-aí ‘on the ground’
If you consult the long note in the left-hand margin, you will find that the initial consonant represents in each case the expected development of PIE *gh. We could finish here, reconstructing PIE *ghom-/*ghem- ‘earth’ and its derivative *gh(e)m-on- ‘earthling, man, human being’, were it not for the fact...

Mysterious chthonic roots

... that here and there we also find unexpected developments:
Greek khthōn, gen. khthonós
Sanskrit kšam-
Hittite tekan, gen. tagnas, cf. tagan ‘on the ground’
Tocharian tkam
It has always been clear that the two sets are somehow related, but the consonants of the second set do not seem to fit any established pattern of regular sound correspondences. Hittite and Tocharian were unknown to 19th-century linguists, so problematic forms were restricted to Greek and Sanskrit. Some scholars concluded that PIE had additional fricative sounds like those spelt th in English. The sounds would have been extremely rare and found only in some special environments. Thus reconstructed, the ‘earth’ root would be *ghðom-, with the initial *ghð giving Greek khth and Sanskrit kš. It was further supposed that the phonetic simplification of *ghð to *gh in most other IE dialects produced the first set of correspondences. Still other Indo-Europeanists posited an initial *ghz to account for the second set.
The solution

The discovery of Hittite and Tocharian texts in the early 20th century suggested a different solution. The PIE root was of the form *dheghm-/*dhghom- with vowels alternating between the two slots available for them.
Quite possibly the original state of affairs can be seen in Hittite: the noun *dheghm (>tekan) ‘earth, soil, ground’ (genitive *dhghmos or *dh@ghmos > tagnas) was a neuter; it had a by-form *dhgho:m or *dh@gho:m meaning ‘a lot of soil’, or collectively ‘the earth’. In this latter form it could be personalised as Mother Earth, the earth goddess (Hittite Dagan-tsipas).
You may well wonder why the final consonant of the root in Hittite is n rather than m. The most likely reason is the fact that word-final m became n in Hittite. To be sure, in inflected forms like the genitive tagnas the n is not final, but the analogy of the base form made it appear even there. A similar change took place in Greek, hence the inflected form khthonós instead of expected *khthomós. But Greek retains derivatives with m, e.g. khamaí and khthamalós, which betray the older state of affairs. They did not belong to the declensional paradigm of khthōnWhile the original shape of the neuter noun was lost in the other branches of the family, the feminised form *dhgho:m survived. However, the embarrassing combination of consonants, *dhgh, was either simplified to *gh or underwent special transformations, the results of which are visible in Greek and Sanskrit.Curiously enough, most native speakers of English find it impossible to pronounce the initial sequence in chthonic (Greek khth-) as two consonants, and say ‘thonic’ instead. They may draw some comfort from the reflection that early speakers of Indo-European experienced similar difficulties and solved them in a similar manner.So do you know now why we call a bridegroom a bridegroom?
Firstly I've thought that d-g changes for guma -duma could sort out all of it.
Historically ref. I could make was:
-Thracian dón ‘place, country(side)’ [Old-Ir. , Gen. don ‘place, country(side)’, Greek chthón ‘soil, land’]. 2
But guma is Old English word only and nothing else could be done .
And still historically don used to be earth word at my eastern Thracian neighborhood,now days known as Bulgarians . 
From the other hand if we have reconstructed IE root *dhghom- ‘earth’,we have to consider 
d-*dd-dz-z word changes. From what I have found as world wide words meaning earth like eg.

Avestan: and Old Irish: 

In our language Macedonian people are still using word dzemia oposite of word zemia standing for earth .
Our biggest linguistic authority and reformatory Blazhe Konevski also had stated that:
"Also in the literary language words are spoken with z,and not with , as some folk say,dz the following words: Zemja (land), eZero( lake),solZi (tear-tears), bronZa (bronze), benZin (petrol).'' 3
That means that my folks still is saying:Dzemja (land), edzero( lake),soldzi (tear-tears), brondza (bronze), bendzin (petrol)

1- Julius Pokorny's Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (2 vols, 1959-69).. page’s…414-16

2- Sources: 

1. Neroznak, V. Paleo-Balkan Languages. Moscow, 1978. 
2. Fasmer, M. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language. Moscow, 1986. 
3. Georgiev, V. Ezyk na trakite. 
4. Duridanov, I. Ezikyt na trakite, Sofia, 1976.

3- Blaze Koneski, "Grammar of the Macedonian literary language part I and II ",Kultura Skopje,1976, page .... 111.

net links: ... P0620.html

All this time I am trying to find some comparability between Macedonia and "The beginning concept" according by John 1.1 I have wrote something like concept what I believe is about Aristotelian four elements.And from all four earth as one of them has match very well.

I am not well educated to talk about Magadhan's empire but maybe income between Magadhan and Macedonian empires may could be religion as well ?
In Macedonia were Magi as High Priestesses ,now we have High Priests 
than Magii or Magics instead of liturgies and worshiping of Make or Mother now replaced with worshiping of Bog or God. 

Chrestians and Christians ,again

We might have two different terms from the beginning 
1.Cross and the cross followers
2. Christ and Christ followers

300 AD, or some, 
Emperor Constantine has recognized the Cross as symbol of his Empire .

Eastern Roman Empire the Cross symbol

Historical sources
according to Lactantius, Flavius Valerius Constantinus was visited by a dream the night before the battle, where in he was advised "to mark the heavenly sign of God on the shields of his soldiers ... by means of a slanted letter X with the top of its head bent round, he marked Christ on their shields."[1]

Lets check ;
Here is that symbol : 

Explanation we read is that is about of superimposed ,not ordinary but Greek letters: "A monogram and symbol for Christ, consisting of the superimposed Greek letters chi (Χ) and rho (Ρ),often embroidered on altar cloths and clerical vestments. Also called Chrismon, Christogram..." [2]
[chi + rho, first two letters of Greek Khrīstos, Christ.] [3]
What is most than strange 
Greeks today for the Cross will say ;Σταυρός
No need to add that Macedonian and all related modern languages of today for Cross will say:

Cross -Eng.

Krs -Maced.
Kriz -Croat .

And no wonder because here is the root of that word .
X + P ~> KS + Ro ~> 
Ro in between K`S ~>
K Ro S...we read Kros .
Kros or Crossed ,because Ro is present crossed at the middle of dual K`S or X 
two letters 

Another words connected with word the Cross in Macedonian are and this :baptism baptize 
Lets compare:
English :The Cross, baptism baptize 
Greek :STAVROS Váptisi vaftísei
Where the root for ever will be at letters
X Ro 

Such a strange ..

when we have got a Cross symbol recognized as official state symbol we have to supposed its followers 

if the word Chrest or KRS or KRST in Macedonians standing for the Cross, than what for word rest -tian could standing for ?
-tian or ian would be suffix what does explaining ... or being affiliated with a Cross .
Is it historically correct that Constantine firstly accepted the Cross symbol for his own, and for symbol of his Empire , and never accepted Christianity ?
Yes it is 
Then we could state that difference between these two terms is that first term links to second one and that is term Christians.

What was Constantine's native language if indeed he was the grandson of a Danubian goat herder?
That indeed is interesting 
Someone made this kind of point.
From Atlantic Ocean up to Persia it is none Latin language dialect.
And we are talking about Latin word roots.
Strange isn`t

The first crucifix (a figure on a cross) is from the 5th or 6th or 7th century. Before that it appears that there was a LAMB on the cross. Besides the legend of Helena finding the One True Cross and Nails, which is obviously a FAKE legend, when does the cross appear in the archaeology?
Bro lets have this enter ...

we read KRS instead of KRST ,then we could face another root word meaning difference .

Firstly I have to explain a bit 
Word standing for Cross at my Macedonian is exposed with letter t as its ending.
Krst = Cross
And because it is so we analyzed for one more time .
KRS instead of KRST 

What letters KRS could standing for ?
And according "to the voice Constantine had heard at its vision" as legends says :
"“By this sign, you shall conquer..." or "you shell been unbeatable..." up to the source, historically we need to not to forget , one more thing That`s appearing of the Church. As institution Church it does appear when Constantine recognized Christianity as official state religion .
Lets focus at the term Church and its word roots .

At Latin Church is Ecclesia,
At Greek - Ekklisía 
At Macedonian is Црква 
or using different orthography 
Ts r k va 
Ch e r k va .

If we hear for one more time pronunciations of symbol as CHI RO , we could agree that indeed it is CHI RO 
and does mean what ?


CHu Ro CH 
Church of Course .
Where Chi Ro has got its word ending at letter Ch meaning or could mean 
Chi ro + Ch 

Back to my Macedonian 
or using different orthography 
Ts r k va 
Ch e r k va .

from the root 

We palatalized letters

K-> Ch 

S ->K 

So we have 

K R S 

Che R K 


Chi Ro K 

Chi Ro 


At this way observed we could say yes they are two different terms trough history heaving two different meanings 
First word is "Chrestian" meaning the Church followers , second one Christian meaning another thing ..


1- Lactantius, De Mortibus Persecutorum 44.4–6, tr. J.L. Creed,Lactantius: De Mortibus Persecutorum (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984), qtd. in Lenski, "Reign of Constantine" (CC), 71.
2- American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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