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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Sclaviniae image of


  1. 2. Sclaviniæ

    " are mentioned east of the Rhine and in north Germany and Hungary, as they are also mentioned in Spain, Asia Minor or North Africa. This multi purpose Latin-coined administrative term was regularly used for particular area or group of areas: "
    Ecclesia Sclavoniæ " included Bosnia and Dalmatia,"S(c)lavonia
    " in today's Croatia, Sklavinska" (today renamed Dublinska) in Poland.

  2. German chronicler Adam of Bremen did write:

    Sclavania igitur, amplissima Germaniae provintia, a Winulis incolitur, qui olim dicti sum Wandali; decies maior esse fertur nostra Saxonia, presertim si Boemiam et eos, qui trans Oddaram sunt, Polanos, quaia nec habitu nec lingua discrepant, in partem adiecreris Sclavaniae "

    "Slavania (Slavic lands), the biggest from Germanic countries, is inhabited by Winnils, who were formerly called Vandals. It is supposed to be bigger than our Saxony, especially when it would include Bohemians and Polans across the Oder, since they are no different in customs and language".
