Добив една интересна п.п. (порака): “...imase postirano eden tekst za toa deka simbolot na ribata bil narekuvan Ma ....simbolot na ribata se narekuval Ma.“
Веднаш да кажам: Во санскритот,зборот риба со корен МА го има 114 ПАТИ.
Што има врска Санскритот со симболот на христијанството-риба и божицата Мајка Ма? И со нас?
Па има.
Најнапред,зборот риба-Ichthus има значење и делфин.
И делфинот во Санскрит се вика makara,makarakaTI.
Понатаму,ако побараме на гугл за vesica piscis,ќе видиме дека:
Тој симбол е постар од христијанството, и христијаните го ротирале за 90 степени.
Но,од каде потекнува тој симбол?
Јас би ги издвоил авторите Sir James George Frazer-"Adonis, Attis, Osiris: Studies in the History of Oriental Religion" (Part Four of his larger work, "The Golden Bough")
that among one group in India, the fish was believed to house a deceased soul, and that as part of a fertility ritual specific fish is eaten in the belief that it will be reincarnated in a newborn child.
И авторите кои го застапуваат мислењето:
Well before Christianity, the fish symbol was known as "the Great Mother," a pointed oval sign, the "vesica piscis" or Vessel of the Fish.
Тука би ја спомнал Eleanor Gaddon-"Cult of the Fish Mother"...as far back as the hunting and fishing people of the Danube River Basin in the sixth millennium B.C.E. (eте и на BBC за тоа). Over fifty shrines have been found throughout the region which depict a fishlike deity, a female creature who "incorporates aspects of an egg, a fish and a woman which could have been a primeval creator or a mythical ancestress...
"The "Great Goddess" was portrayed elsewhere with pendulous breasts, accentuated buttocks and a conspicuous vaginal orifice, the upright "vesica piscis" which Christians later adopted and rotated 90-degrees to serve as their symbol.
Ете така, од кај нас...
Ma-naziv za riba
Dashavatara. Kalki, the last and final incarnation of Vishnu is expected.
1. Matsya (The Fish)
Matsya is the first of Vishnu’s many avatars and was one of the first physical beings of this world. Born as a fish in the Satya Yuga or Golden Age, it’s said that he rescued the first man in creation from a great flood that covered the world.
2. Kurma (The Tortoise)
Веднаш да кажам: Во санскритот,зборот риба со корен МА го има 114 ПАТИ.
Што има врска Санскритот со симболот на христијанството-риба и божицата Мајка Ма? И со нас?
Па има.
Најнапред,зборот риба-Ichthus има значење и делфин.
И делфинот во Санскрит се вика makara,makarakaTI.
Понатаму,ако побараме на гугл за vesica piscis,ќе видиме дека:
Тој симбол е постар од христијанството, и христијаните го ротирале за 90 степени.
Но,од каде потекнува тој симбол?
Јас би ги издвоил авторите Sir James George Frazer-"Adonis, Attis, Osiris: Studies in the History of Oriental Religion" (Part Four of his larger work, "The Golden Bough")
that among one group in India, the fish was believed to house a deceased soul, and that as part of a fertility ritual specific fish is eaten in the belief that it will be reincarnated in a newborn child.
И авторите кои го застапуваат мислењето:
Well before Christianity, the fish symbol was known as "the Great Mother," a pointed oval sign, the "vesica piscis" or Vessel of the Fish.
Тука би ја спомнал Eleanor Gaddon-"Cult of the Fish Mother"...as far back as the hunting and fishing people of the Danube River Basin in the sixth millennium B.C.E. (eте и на BBC за тоа). Over fifty shrines have been found throughout the region which depict a fishlike deity, a female creature who "incorporates aspects of an egg, a fish and a woman which could have been a primeval creator or a mythical ancestress...
"The "Great Goddess" was portrayed elsewhere with pendulous breasts, accentuated buttocks and a conspicuous vaginal orifice, the upright "vesica piscis" which Christians later adopted and rotated 90-degrees to serve as their symbol.
Ете така, од кај нас...
Ma-naziv za riba
Dashavatara. Kalki, the last and final incarnation of Vishnu is expected.
1. Matsya (The Fish)
Matsya is the first of Vishnu’s many avatars and was one of the first physical beings of this world. Born as a fish in the Satya Yuga or Golden Age, it’s said that he rescued the first man in creation from a great flood that covered the world.
2. Kurma (The Tortoise)
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