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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Do you know now why we call a bridegroom a bridegroom? copied and saved text

 While ago,text  by Piotr Gasiorowski

Why is a bridegroom called ‘a bridegroom’? The first half is easy, and the second seems to be the same as groom ‘a person employed to clean and look after horses’ or (archaic) ‘manservant’ . A bridegroom would therefore be ‘the male attendant of a bride’, perhaps, though none of the things he actually does to her is normally described as grooming.
This kind of explanation is called folk etymology or popular etymology. It looks sensible and most people would accept it without asking further questions. But the linguist’s duty is to make sure, just in case, that the etymology is endorsed by historical data. The word in question is known from early English, as well as from other Germanic languages, but in a slightly different shape:
Old English brydguma, Old Norse bruþgumi, Old High German brutigomo.
It begins to look as if the r in -groom were unetymological, that is to say added to a word that didn’t originally contain it. But what was guma supposed to mean? Fortunately, the word existed on its own in Old English with the meaning ‘man’. Some of its grammatical forms, such as the nominative plural guman, display a stem-final n lost in nominative singular. Guma has not survived (or it would be goom in Modern English) except in the compound bride-goom, reshaped into bride-groom precisely because after the extinction of goom people couldn’t make sense of the second element unless they misheard it as groom.

Old English guma and its cousins

Guma (pl. guman) is cognate to Latin homo (pl. homines) and Old Lithuanian žmuô (pl. žmónės). In Latin, the word-family grew larger: humanus, humanitas etc. All these nouns go back to something like PIE *ghmon-, *gh@mon-. But here a new story begins. In the stem just reconstructed, *-on is a suffix added to a root which is also found in a family of words meaning ‘earth, ground, land’ and the like. Here are some examples:
Latin hum-us
Old Macedonian zemlja
Lithuanian žem-ė
Avestan zam
Albanian dhe
Greek kham-aí ‘on the ground’
If you consult the long note in the left-hand margin, you will find that the initial consonant represents in each case the expected development of PIE *gh. We could finish here, reconstructing PIE *ghom-/*ghem- ‘earth’ and its derivative *gh(e)m-on- ‘earthling, man, human being’, were it not for the fact...

Mysterious chthonic roots

... that here and there we also find unexpected developments:
Greek khthōn, gen. khthonós
Sanskrit kšam-
Hittite tekan, gen. tagnas, cf. tagan ‘on the ground’
Tocharian tkam
It has always been clear that the two sets are somehow related, but the consonants of the second set do not seem to fit any established pattern of regular sound correspondences. Hittite and Tocharian were unknown to 19th-century linguists, so problematic forms were restricted to Greek and Sanskrit. Some scholars concluded that PIE had additional fricative sounds like those spelt th in English. The sounds would have been extremely rare and found only in some special environments. Thus reconstructed, the ‘earth’ root would be *ghðom-, with the initial *ghð giving Greek khth and Sanskrit kš. It was further supposed that the phonetic simplification of *ghð to *gh in most other IE dialects produced the first set of correspondences. Still other Indo-Europeanists posited an initial *ghz to account for the second set.
The solution

The discovery of Hittite and Tocharian texts in the early 20th century suggested a different solution. The PIE root was of the form *dheghm-/*dhghom- with vowels alternating between the two slots available for them.
Quite possibly the original state of affairs can be seen in Hittite: the noun *dheghm (>tekan) ‘earth, soil, ground’ (genitive *dhghmos or *dh@ghmos > tagnas) was a neuter; it had a by-form *dhgho:m or *dh@gho:m meaning ‘a lot of soil’, or collectively ‘the earth’. In this latter form it could be personalised as Mother Earth, the earth goddess (Hittite Dagan-tsipas).
You may well wonder why the final consonant of the root in Hittite is n rather than m. The most likely reason is the fact that word-final m became n in Hittite. To be sure, in inflected forms like the genitive tagnas the n is not final, but the analogy of the base form made it appear even there. A similar change took place in Greek, hence the inflected form khthonós instead of expected *khthomós. But Greek retains derivatives with m, e.g. khamaí and khthamalós, which betray the older state of affairs. They did not belong to the declensional paradigm of khthōn
While the original shape of the neuter noun was lost in the other branches of the family, the feminised form *dhgho:m survived. However, the embarrassing combination of consonants, *dhgh, was either simplified to *gh or underwent special transformations, the results of which are visible in Greek and Sanskrit.
Curiously enough, most native speakers of English find it impossible to pronounce the initial sequence in chthonic (Greek khth-) as two consonants, and say ‘thonic’ instead. They may draw some comfort from the reflection that early speakers of Indo-European experienced similar difficulties and solved them in a similar manner.
So do you know now why we call a bridegroom a bridegroom?

Net ling is out of order

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Seventh session
December 2012
Nomination file no. 00736
for Inscription on the Representative List
of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2012
A.      State(s) Party(ies)
For multi-national nominations, States Parties should be listed in the order on which they have mutually agreed.
B.      Name of the element
B.1.   Name of the element in English or French
This is the official name of the element that will appear in published material.
Not to exceed 200 characters
Kopachkata, a social dance from the village of Dramche, Pijanec
B.2.   Name of the element in the language and script of the community concerned,
if applicable
This is the official name of the element in the vernacular language corresponding to the official name in English or French (point B.1).
Not to exceed 200 characters
Копачката, соборско оро од селото Драмче,Пијанец
B.3.   Other name(s) of the element, if any
In addition to the official name(s) of the element (point B.1) mention alternate name(s), if any, by which the element is known.
Dramechka Kopachka
Драмечка Копачка
C.     Name of the communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals concerned
Identify clearly one or several communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the nominated element.
Not to exceed 150 words
Kopachkata is a dynamic and energetic social dance that is danced by the local residents from the village of Dramche, Pijanec. The population in Pijanec (ethnographic region in eastern Macedonia), belongs to the Macedonian Shopska ethnic group. Musicians that accompany this dance are usually Roma, sometimes the group is mixed Roma-Macedonian. For more than 60 years the dance Kopachkata is cherished by the folk group "Kopachka" from the village of Dramche, and the assistance in logistics, management and promotion of this dance is provided by the NGO "Pijanec Voice" from Delchevo. Although this dance is a collective way of expressing, without the individual efforts of Dimitar Uzunski-Mitko, a local teacher from the nearby village Trabotivishte, who devoted his whole life to encouraging the local residents to organize, present and popularize their dance, the "Kopachkata" would have probably been forgotten by now.
D.      Geographical location and range of the element
Provide information on the distribution of the element, indicating if possible the location(s) in which it is centred. If related elements are practised in neighbouring areas, please so indicate.
Not to exceed 150 words
The Kopackata from the village of Dramche, performed at gatherings and weddings is centered in the "Crnichka Mahala" and "Belchinska Mahala" in the village. In Pijanec region, this dance is wide spread more in thinly populated villages in all Eastern Macedonia. It may be encountered in wide region of villages Istibanja, Kalimanci, towns Makedonska Kamenica, Delcevo, and even in the neighbouring region of Malesevo. After the constitution of the folk dance group "Kopachka", the knowledge about the element was wide spread throughout the state on the local, regional and national folk festivals. The final range of the element is that the Kopachkata dance is now part of the repertoire of the Professional dance ensemble "Tanec" in Skopje and of the formal education of the professional dancers at the Secondary dance school Ilija Nikolovski -Luj in Skopje and the Faculty of Music Art in Shtip.
E.    Contact person for correspondence
Provide the name, address and other contact information of the person responsible for correspondence concerning the nomination. If an e-mail address cannot be provided, indicate a fax number.
For multi-national nominations provide complete contact information for one person designated by the States Parties as the main contact person for all correspondence relating to the nomination, and for one person in each State Party involved.
Title (Ms/Mr, etc.):
Family name:
Opetceska Tatarcevska
Given name:
Cultural Heritage Protection Office, high adviser for folklore goods
Gjuro Gjakovik 61, 1000, Skopje, R. Macedonia
Telephone number:
Fax number:
+ 389 2 3289 777
E-mail address
Other relevant information:
Ministry of Culture
Lidija Topuzovska
General Secretary of Macedonian National Commission for UNESCO
Sector for International Cooperation and Cooperation with UNESCO
Ministry of Culture
Gjuro Gjakovic 61
1000 Skopje - Republic of Macedonia
tel.: +38923240591
fax: +389 2 32 40 533
Tatjana Kraljevska - Lazarova
Counsellor for Planning the Cooperation with UNESCO
Secretariat of Macedonian National Commission for UNESCO
Sector for International Cooperation and Cooperation with UNESCO
Ministry of Culture
Gjuro Gjakovic 61
1000 Skopje - Republic of Macedonia
tel.: +38923240591
fax: +389 2 32 40 533
Zoran Pavlov
Cultural Heritage Protection Office
Sector for International Cooperation and Documentation
Gjuro Gjakovic 61
1000 Skopje - Republic of Macedonia
tel.: +389 2 32 89 796
fax: +38923289777
1.       Identification and definition of the element
For Criterion R.1, the States shall demonstrate that ‘the element constitutes intangible cultural heritage as defined in Article 2 of the Convention’.
 oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage
 performing arts
 social practices, rituals and festive events
 knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe
 traditional craftsmanship
This section should address all the significant features of the element as it exists at present.
The Committee should receive sufficient information to determine:
a.          that the element is among the ‘practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills — as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces associated therewith —’;
b.          ‘that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize [it] as part of their cultural heritage’;
c.          that it is being ‘transmitted from generation to generation, [and] is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history’;
d.          that it provides communities and groups involved with ‘a sense of identity and continuity’; and
e.          that it is not incompatible with ‘existing international human rights instruments as well as with the requirements of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, and of sustainable development’.
Overly technical descriptions should be avoided and submitting States should keep in mind that this section must explain the element to readers who have no prior knowledge or direct experience of it. Nomination files need not address in detail the history of the element, or its origin or antiquity.
(i)      Provide a brief summary description of the element that can introduce it to readers who have never seen or experienced it.
Not to exceed 250 words
The traditional dance “Kopachkata” is a dinamic social dance from the region of Pijanec in the eastern part of Republic of Macedonia. The dance starts when the dance leader ("izvodacho") stands out from the crowd, pays the musicians and starts the dance together with the “opashkaro” (the last dancer).
The male variant of the Kopachka gathering dance has 4 dancing figures, which are performing in semicircle:
1.     "Shetanica" (walking figure), with function to form the dance and worm up the dancers,
2.     Sitnoto, (small steps figure) where the steps of the dancers are swift and short (the skilful dancers actually slide their feet on the ground),
3.     Prefrlachka (crossing legs figure), when the left foot is swiftly switched over the right foot and the dancers speed up the dance to its climax, and
4.     Kopachkata (digging figure), which is the fastest and most dynamic figure and where the dancers jump to the right leg and stand firmly on it while the left foot is repeatedly hitting the ground with the intention to dig.
Until the sixties of the 20th century, the female variant of the Kopachka also existed. There is a growing intention in the local community over the past years to revive it. The Kopachkata is best performed with two drums but nowadays, the number of drums may rise to 4 or even 5. Apart from drums, this dance may also be accompanied by a fiddle, sometimes even by a tambura or bagpipe.
(ii)     Who are the bearers and practitioners of the element? Are there any specific roles or categories of persons with special responsibilities for the practice and transmission of the element? If yes, who are they and what are their responsibilities?
Not to exceed 250 words
In the past there were separate male and female Kopachkata. Today Kopachkata is most often danced by men. It is performed by the best dancers from the village named “soborjani” (participants in a public dance event).The most important roles in the dance have the “izvodacho” (the dance leader), than the “opashkar” (the last dancer), crucial for the performance is the middle dancer. He is the pillar of all the dancers and holds together the left and the right part of the dance semicircle group. The final number of participants is not limited. In the traditional performance, the folk group “Kopachka” limits the number to 8 (eight) man (all of them members of the local community) so they can present it in a best possible manner.
The dancers hold each other’s belts with crossed which is important for the stability in the fastest part of the dancing. The leader and the last dancers both hold a handkerchiefs (“trijachka”) that serves as a signalling system for the changes of the figures. The Dramche Kopachkata dance is accompanied by the best drummers from the region. They have a role to mark the beginning of a dance event, to invite the villagers to join in and to emotionally build-up the dance performance.
The first dancers of the folk group "Kopachka" in 1948 Dimitar Stanoevki, Risto Stanoevki, Pavle Kostadinov, Trajan Kostadinov, Bogdan Angelov, Nikola Anakiev, Mladen Georgiev, and the best drummers in the Pijanec region, Afet and Jasar Memedov, are the enthusiasts who safeguard and transmitted Kopachkata in 21st century.
(iii)    How are the knowledge and skills related to the element transmitted today?
Not to exceed 250 words
Crucial for the transmission of the knowledge and skills of the Kopačkata dance are the public and religious holidays, such as St. George’s Day or Assumption of Mary, when dance fairs are organized in front of the churches. Also, the weddings as a family gatherings are wonderful possibility for transmission of the element to the younger generations. Those who are too young to participate in the dance but are strongly inspired to do that, take the last place in the semicircle. That position allows them to feel the emotional energy in the collective dance and to watch the dancing technique of the elders. The learning is not going quickly. As the youngsters progress, they gain a new position which is closer to the front, and after a few years of perfecting they can get one of the leading roles. The forming of the "Kopačka" folk dance group within the "Pijanečki glas" association in 1948 was of particular importance in the process of transmission. In it`s 64 years of existence, 44 bearers of the element were included in the process of safeguarding and transmission of the element. With providing a working space and with great enthusiasm and care, their manager and active dancer Dimitar Uzunski, promotes the group on every festival held in the state, always provoking great interest of the audience, the media and the academic community. In order to stimulate the active dancers he published all the activities of the group in the press. Consequently, this dance was accepted in the repertory of the professional ensemble "Tanec" and became a part of the formal education process of the dancers in the music high school "Ilija Nikolovski-luj" in Skopje and the Department for Ethnocoreology at “Goce Delchev" University in Shtip.
(iv)    What social and cultural functions and meanings does the element have today for its community?
Not to exceed 250 words
Until 1965 the village of Dramche and it`s surroundings had a rich social and culture life with the dance Kopachkata taking the central place in it. This region has suffered big migration processes two times. Between 1950 and 1965 "new neighbours" came from the northern Shop villages. At the same time with the industrialization of the country, many young residents left to work and live in the cities while the older people stayed to work the fields. All the villages of Pijanec were left with very small population. In time, the traditional ways of holiday celebrations changed, and the lokal dance events on every Saturday and Sundays which were very popular till the 70ties of the XX century were forgotten. This started the process of changing and forgetting of the traditions and losing the songs and dances. So, at the rare gatherings of the older generation from this region, the Kopačka dance has become a symbol of their cultural identity, not only of the local rural community of the village of Dramče, but also beyond the Pijanec region;
In order to strengthen the social ties of the remaining population, the Kopačka Folk Group was reconstituted two times. In 1961 and in 1975. Since than it has been acting as a generator of the cultural and social life not only for the local residents but also in the town of Delčevo and its surroundings. For the bearers who are unable to work the fields anymore, the inclusion in the efforts of the folk group has been an inspiration. With the subtle and successful promotion of the “Kopačkata” traditional dance for decades, the bearers from Dramche have continually been raising the awareness of the existence of this intangible cultural heritage in the region, as well as nationally.
(v)     Is there any part of the element that is not compatible with existing international human rights instruments or with the requirement of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, or with sustainable development?
Not to exceed 250 words
The nurturing of this intangible cultural heritage establishes an interactive cooperation between the sexes and generations. No one from the community can be excluded from the dance, nor children or the members of the other ethnic groups. On the contrary, there is cooperation between Macedonians and Roma in the region specially in the performance of the dance on the public social events, which is of course compatible with the existing human rights instruments and with the requirements of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals.
Regarding the Sustainable development, present generations have the responsibility to safeguard the good for the future generations by the continuous reviving of the element. They try to involve more young people from the community in the social sustainability of the element, specially in the archiving and collecting the data, or in the popularization of the element through modern media such as social networks, virtual space, etc.
Different generations, different educational profiles of local residents are unified in the concern for taking care about their cultural symbol Kopachkata.
2.      Contribution to ensuring visibility and awareness and
to encouraging
For Criterion R.2, the States shall demonstrate that ‘Inscription of the element will contribute to ensuring visibility and awareness of the significance of the intangible cultural heritage and to encouraging dialogue, thus reflecting cultural diversity worldwide and testifying to human creativity’.
(i)      How can inscription of the element on the Representative List contribute to the visibility of the intangible cultural heritage in general and raise awareness of its importance at the local, national and international levels?
Not to exceed 150 words
Having in mind that Republic of Macedonia responded quickly and ratified the Convention for safeguarding of the Intangible cultural heritage in 2006, that means that the state pays attention to the ICH. The inscription of the Kopachkata on the Representative List will contribute to the visibility of the ICH on the national scene, it will arise the awearness for the contemporary situation with those elements which need urgent safeguarding and will provide more attention of the possible donators to donate among the local communities. The inscription of the Kopačka traditional dance on the UNESCO Representative List would also validate every effort so far invested by the active practitioners of this intangible cultural heritage and nurturing this cultural asset. It would provide for continuity through involvement of future younger bearers of this ICH good and, of course, it would present a possibility for the greater Pijanec community to develop cultural tourism.
(ii)     How can inscription encourage dialogue among communities, groups and individuals?
Not to exceed 150 words
The “Kopackata” traditional dance has been instrumental in promoting the intercultural dialogue between the Macedonian and Roma ethnic communities in the village of Dramche, as well as the whole Pijanec region, but we believe that with the inscription of the dance on the UNESCO Representative List, there would be greater awareness of nurturing the Kopachkata as a common intangible cultural heritage. The need for performances on various occasions in popularization purposes will bring a greater and closer possibility for dialogue and cultural exchange in planning of their future steps in the process of safeguarding of the element for both ethnic groups. It will bring real socialization as opposed to virtual socialization especially typical for the younger population.
(iii)    How can inscription promote respect for cultural diversity and human creativity?
Not to exceed 150 words
The inscription of this traditional dance in the Representative List of UNESCO can inspire creativity among its bearers/practitioners in the aesthetics of performance. The concept of “cultural diversity” both “inside” and “outside” each community can also strengthen the intercultural connection between the musicians (predominantly ethnic Roma) and the dancers of Macedonian nationality. The inscription can also improve or inspire the creativity and give successful example to neighboring communities to work hardly in identification, valorisation and preserving of their Intangible cultural assets. We firmly believe that this dance dialogue could also reflect on the everyday lives of the villagers of Dramche and the region. We hope that the inscription can inspire them for the entire range of interactions which can be revitalized through their own capacity for dialogue and openness. Understood in this way, ICH encompasses, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs.
3.       Safeguarding measures
For Criterion R.3, the States shall demonstrate that ‘safeguarding measures are elaborated that may protect and promote the element’.
3.a.    Past and current efforts to safeguard the element
(i)      How is the viability of the element being ensured by the concerned communities, groups or, if applicable, individuals? What past and current initiatives have they taken in this regard?
Not to exceed 250 words
The “Kopachka” folk dance group exist since 1948. It’s leader, Dimitar Uzunski, keeps all audio and video recordings and all written articles about their performances with great care. He carefully notes that dancers participate every year on 33 festivals and public events, he notes the impressions of the audience and especially of the relevant scholars about the Kopachkata dance. He has a list of 56 collaborators (musicians, singers, and 33 Cultural associations etc) which performed with the group on their concerts. Even though they do not have any commercial benefit, the folk dance group “Kopachka” has actively participated in 10 TV documentary projects, 8 radio programs, including the Macedonian national radio and Radio Deutsche Welle. For 60 years, the local bearers of the Kopachkata dance participate to the local celebrations of the municipality holidays, to all regional and national festivals for traditional dance as a cultural ambassador from that region. They are a generator of the cultural life in Delchevo and its surroundings for decades. As a very successful promoter of the “Kopachkata” dance, they are rising the awareness of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage and its protection. Two dancers from the Kopachka group, were demonstrators in the professional dance ensemble Tanec in Skopje, when Tanec included the Kopachkata in their repertoire. In 1949 that was Nikola Ilkov Arsov - Nikolachko, and in late 90-ties of the XX ct. that was Dimitar Uzunski and Mitko Stanoevski. The local government and the the native authors association "Pijanechki glas" from Delchevo, support the folk dance group;
Tick one or more boxes to identify the safeguarding measures that have been and are currently being taken by the communities, groups or individuals concerned:
 transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education
 identification, documentation, research
 preservation, protection
 promotion, enhancement
(ii)     How have the concerned States Parties safeguarded the element? Specify external or internal constraints, such as limited resources. What are its past and current efforts in this regard?
Not to exceed 250 words
In the 2003 Cultural Heritage Protection Bill, the folk goods, language and toponyms with definitions for each, were identified as types of spiritual and cultural heritage. With slight corrections, these definitions remained in the final draft of the National Law for protection of Cultural Heritage from April 2004. Among the state projects involving the intangible cultural heritage as a factor in the sustainable development of Macedonian culture, we would like to single out one strategy of the Ministry of Culture:
- The Strategy for Digitizing the Cultural Heritage, promoted on January 25th 2010, and
Apart from the national legal framework, Macedonia ratified on the level of law, two international conventions. Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage only 8 days after it officially came into force, that is, on the April 28th 2006 and Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (Paris 2005) ratified on April 2nd 2007
But in lack of coordination between certain scientific institutions and the state administration, there is a discrepancy in the execution of the proposed measures for protection of Kopachkata dance. This problem should be solved as soon as possible. Almost always, the best results come from the personal enthusiastic involvement of individuals from the local bearers and the Intangible Cultural Heritage protection office.
Tick one or more boxes to identify the safeguarding measures that have been and are currently being taken by the State(s) Party(ies) with regard to the element:
 transmission, particularly through formal and non-formal education
 identification, documentation, research
 preservation, protection
 promotion, enhancement
3.b.    Safeguarding measures proposed
This section should identify and describe safeguarding measures that will be implemented, especially those intended to protect and promote the element.
(i)       What measures are proposed to help to ensure that the element’s viability is not jeopardized in the future, especially as an unintended result of inscription and the resulting visibility and public attention?
Not to exceed 750 words
The Cultural Heritage Protection Office has carried out activities for implanting Article 9 from the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, regarding the inclusion of relevant organizations in the process of safeguarding the ICH on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. From November 2008, till now 8 nongovernmental and non-profit organizations from Macedonia sent written corroboration for their participation in the processes.
The idea of establishing a special governmental body covering the situation with the intangible cultural heritage is next step. Replace the expression spiritual cultural heritage with intangible cultural heritage;
To expand the definition what is intangible heritage in Macedonia, or what is included or excluded in this system.
Public accessibility of intangible goods; Transfer and nurture of cultural goods in original and other settings; Improvement of the function and social importance of the goods in society and its inclusion in the planning processes and programmes;
- Securing of sustainability of the goods through education, identification and documentation, academic research, preservation, safeguarding, improvement of their function in society, transferring knowledge through formal and informal education and revitalization of the neglected aspects of the goods;
- Popularization and promotion of cultural goods through exhibitions, concerts, electronic media, audio and video recordings, etc.
- Education of experts for the transfer of knowledge and skills at seminars, workshop, etc.;
There is positive energy between all the active participants in this nomination process. We still have to master the art of negotiation, tolerance of human creativity, giving space to the natural traditional dance culture for natural development, avoiding the tendencies for modern "expert" intervention.
(ii)      How will the States Parties concerned support the implementation of the proposed safeguarding measures?
Not to exceed 250 words
The Department for intangible heritage inside the Ministry of Culture and Cultural heritage Protection Office will intensify the media campaign promoting the idea of safeguarding the proposed intangible cultural heritage. It will start with identification and preparing the List of
holders/bearers of the ICH property, at a national level;
Also, to register the possibilities for revitalizing the traditional dance events which are somehow
Of course to work on the digitization process of the collected materials about the ICH property.
The Ministry of Culture has been preparing special applications in the last 3 years through which not only institutions but also NGO's are invited to apply for funds for safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage. The "Pijanechki glas" assotiation applies every year and receives small amount of money (around 2000-3000 EUR) for their annual work, for organizing the event “Pijanechko-maleshevska wedding” as one revitalizing event when Kopachkata can be danced. Last year they organized a field work reseach named “In the traces of the Kemane players" which resulted with one publication and revitalization of the cooperation between the 33 active music instruments players from the Pijanec region and the folk dance group Kopachka.
(iii)     How have communities, groups or individuals been involved in planning the proposed safeguarding measures and how will they be involved in their implementation?
Not to exceed 250 words
For now, the community was very much involved in the:
- Preparation process for the Nomination,
- With their applications for Funding in the Ministry of Culture, they create every year their own plans, promotions, travelling, how and what they will do next year within their folk dance group.
- Having in mind that the association “Pijanechki Glas” was the initiator for the forming of the folk dance group Kopachka, they work very closely and the association helps with logistic, organization etc.
The Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia through its policy, provides separate fund for NGO's, so the possibility for promotion of their ideas are open every year in June.
The "Kopachka" folk dance group as a legal subject is supported by the Ministry of Culture for participating on other events organized by other associations. The funds are limited and usually the cover the traveling costs and the accommodation for the dancers and musicians.
3.c.  Competent body(ies) involved in safeguarding
Provide the name, address and other contact information of the competent body(ies), and if applicable, the name and title of the contact person(s), with responsibility for the local management and safeguarding of the element.

Cultural Heritage Procetion Office
Name and title of the contact person:
Ivona Opetcheska Tatarchevska MA.
Gjuro Gjakovich 61 1000, Skopje
Telephone number:
+389 2 3289 778
Fax number:
+389 2 3289 777
E-mail address:;
Other relevant information:
Institute for Folklor Research "Marko Cepenkov" - Skopje
as an authorised institution for protection folklore goods;
director: Zorancho Malinov PhD

4.       Community participation and consent in the nomination process
For Criterion R.4, the States shall demonstrate that ‘the element has been nominated following the widest possible participation of the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned and with their free, prior and informed consent’.
4.a.    Participation of communities, groups and individuals concerned in the nomination process
Describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated actively in preparing and elaborating the nomination at all stages.
States Parties are encouraged to prepare nominations with the participation of a wide variety of all concerned parties, including where appropriate local and regional governments, communities, NGOs, research institutes, centres of expertise and others.
Not to exceed 500 words
The initial idea for protection of Kopachkata as ICH was given by Dimitar Uzunski, speaking at a radio show called "a walk through Pijanec" in early 2000 (the period when the "Masterpieces" program of UNESCO was taking place). That initiative was never forgotten by the dancers of "Kopachka" folk group. Every meeting that we had since than, at the "Pece Atanasovski" folk fesival in Dolneni, at the Balkan folk festival in Ohrid or at the "Ilindenski denovi" festival in Bitola, ended with the same conversation over and over: Can we do something to propose "Kopachkata" dance to UNESCO? The possibility for the inscription of "Kopachkata" to the representative list of UNESCO which was initiated in 2009, presented a big stimulus for the dancers, the activists of "Pijanecki glas" NGO and the Delcevo municipality. They gathered a vast amount of material relevant to this specific dance (6 DVDs with video and audio materials, more than 300 pages of written materials and excerpts from media, also 3 CDs with photos from their concerts and performances) and delivered it to the Cultural heritage protection Office and the Insitute for Folklor Research "Marko Cepenkov" - Skopje, along with an oficial written intitative of the Folk dance group "Kopacka", No. 0302-23 from 15.07.2010. Since than they regestered a separate legal NGO named “Kopachka” which will be responsible only for safeguarding of the Kopachkata dance. They involved 25 new members, not from the village of Dramche, but from the surrounding villages like Cera, Kamenica etc, to participate in their work with Kopachkata. They engaged one young photographer Kircho Atanasov to register every single perfomance of the dancers everywhere. The younger dancers opened a Facebook page at this link
After this significant engagement, the municipality pays more attentiion on Kopachkata dance and the folk group as a brand of the whole region and supports it`s promotion with logistics and financial assets.
Current links:
With the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, native authors association "Pijanechki glas" from Delchevo, supports the folk dance group and collects a lot of audio/visual data, and organized the final field research in their region.
Also the Pijanechki glas, was a logistic for the meetings, They also prepared special video materials, which are the basis for the nomination video.
This last year is a period of suspense and hope for the people who support this nomination and every next stage of the process is a reason for celebration for them.
4.b.    Free, prior and informed consent to the nomination
The free, prior and informed consent to the nomination of the element from the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned may be demonstrated through written or recorded concurrence, or through other means, according to the legal regimens of the State Party and the infinite variety of communities and groups concerned. The Committee will welcome a broad range of demonstrations or attestations of community consent in preference to standard or uniform declarations. They should be provided in their original language as well as in English or French, if needed.
Attach to the nomination form information showing such consent and indicate below what documents you are providing and what form they take.
Not to exceed 250 words
Attached to the electronic nomination, also included in the hard copy of the Nomination are:
- consent letter of the Mayor of Delchevo town, where Dramche village belongs;
- consent letter of the dance leader and manager of the folk dance group, Dimitar Uzunski;
- dozens of diplomas, certificates, recognitions and awards from domestic and international events which the dancers of Kopachkata received through the decades. These documents were provided by the individuals form the group, thus expressing (maybe not in written form) their readiness to cooperate on this nomination file in all the stages of its preparation.
4.c.    Respect for customary practices governing access to the element
Access to certain specific aspects of intangible cultural heritage or to information about it is sometimes restricted by customary practices enacted and conducted by the communities in order, for example, to maintain the secrecy of certain knowledge. Indicate whether or not such practices exist, and if they do, demonstrate that inscription of the element and implementation of the safeguarding measures would fully respect such customary practices governing access to specific aspects of such heritage (cf. Article 13 of the Convention). Describe any specific measures that might need to be taken to ensure such respect. If no such practices exist, please provide a clear statement on it.
Not to exceed 250 words
In contrast to the secret practices, Kopachkata as a social dance in a traditional context is performed in front of the whole community, in a public space. The inclusion of both sexes and people of all ages is also it`s characteristic. So, there are no secret beliefs and practices during the learning process or before/after the performance of the dance. The "Kopachka" folk group with it`s activities on the folk dance scene is trying to promote all the knowledge related to this dance in a very transparent way. They perform it as often as possible, they make documentaries about it, they show it in educational purposes or at scientific conferences in front of the members of the former federal association of folklorists of Yugoslavia or the members of the international council for traditional music.
4.d. Concerned community organization(s) or representative(s)
Provide the name, address and other contact information of community organizations or representatives, or other non-governmental organizations, that are concerned with the element such as associations, organizations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.

Folk dance group "Kopachkata" - village Dramche, Delchevo, and
Native authors assotiation "Pijanechki glas" Delchevo
Name and title of the contact person:
Dimitar Uzunski and Persa Stojanovska
"Svetozar Markovich" nn. 2320, Delchevo
Telephone number:
+ 389 70 917038 and +389 72687134
E-mail address:

5.       Inclusion of the element in an inventory
For Criterion R.5, the States shall demonstrate that ‘the element is included in an inventory of the intangible cultural heritage present in the territory(ies) of the submitting State(s) Party(ies), as defined in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention’.
Identify the inventory in which the element has been included and the office, agency, organization or body responsible for maintaining that inventory. Demonstrate that the inventory has been drawn up in conformity with the Convention, in particular Article 11(b) that stipulates that intangible cultural heritage shall be identified and defined ‘with the participation of communities, groups and relevant non-governmental organizations’ and Article 12 requiring that inventories be regularly updated.
The nominated element’s inclusion in an inventory should not in any way imply or require that the inventory(ies) should have been completed prior to nomination. Rather, a submitting State Party may be in the process of completing or updating one or more inventories, but has already duly included the nominated element on an inventory-in-progress.
Attach to the nomination form documents showing the inclusion of the element in an inventory or refer to a website presenting that inventory.
Not to exceed 200 words
In Republic of Macedonia the inventory of protected goods is named as National Registry of Cultural heritage in Macedonia. There are three types of registries/inventories in the Macedonian system:
a. National registry for immovable cultural heritage;
b. National registry for moveable cultural heritage;
c. National registry for spiritual cultural heritage which implies the same criteria as articles 11b and 12 from the ICH Convention (Paris 2003) and contains data on intangible cultural heritage.
The proces of inventoring the Kopachkata as ICH element starts on the intitative of the Folk dance group “Kopačka”, No. 0302-23 from 15.07.2010. The membrs of the NGO Pijanechki Glas provided 6 DVDs with video, more than 300 pages of written materials and excerpts from media, they provided also 3 CDs with photos from their concerts and performances.
The community provided enough data for the Insitute for Folklor Research “Marko Cepenkov” – Skopje as authorised institution for protection of intangible cultural goods, to prepared the scientific elaborate for valorisation and safeguarding of the “Kopačkata” dance, No. 02-322 from 30.09.2010; finally,
The Cultural Heritage Protection Office govermental body for protection of the cultural heritage, prepared the positive Report No. 28-3318. With this positive report the proposed intangible heritage is proclaimed for cultural good of exceptional value, subcategory of great value; This institution is responsible for preprairing and updating the Inventory for ICH where the Kopachkata dance is inscribed under the inventoring number
6.    Documentation
6.a.  Appended documentation
The documentation listed below is mandatory, except for the edited video, and will be used in the process of examining and evaluating the nomination. It will also be helpful for visibility activities if the element is inscribed. Tick the following boxes to confirm that related items are included with the nomination and that they follow the instructions. Additional materials other than those specified below cannot be accepted and will not be returned.
 10 recent photographs in high definition
 cession(s) of rights corresponding to the photos (Form ICH-07-photo)
 edited video (up to 10 minutes) (strongly encouraged for evaluation and visibility)
 cession(s) of rights corresponding to the video recording (Form ICH-07-video)
6.b. Principal published references
Submitting States may wish to list, using a standard bibliographic format, principal published references providing supplementary information on the element, such as books, articles, audiovisual materials or websites. Such published works should not be sent along with the nomination.
Not to exceed one standard page.
Александар Атанасовски  „Пијанец во ХIII  и ХIV век“ ,Куманово 1995 г
Архив на Мкедониј  „Турски документи,том V книга  Скопје  1983г
Д.Христовски и Д..Арсов  „Делчево“  Кочани  1985г
Додовски В.  „ Почна фестивалот“ Битолски весник,30.07.  Битола  1975г
Димитар Узунски  „Зборник на фолк.материјали од драмче –не објавено
Димитар Узунски  „Драмче големо како Белград“ –Актуелности ,275 Кочани2007г
Димитар Узунски  „Копачка “-половина век амбасадор нанашиот фолклор “,
Пијанечки глас,број 1 ,јануари  Делчево  2000г
Димитар Узунски„Копачката бисерот на Пијанечкиот фолклор“,  Р.Делчево   2000г
Димитар Узунски„По исконското во Драмче“,Радио емисија  Р.Делчево  2001г
Димитар Узунски„На Ѓурѓовден во Драмче“ емисија на РТД  Делчево  2002г
Димитар Узунски „Живата легенда на Копачката“,емисија ра  . Делчево  2000г
Димитар Узунски „По фолклорното богатство на Драмче“,за радио Делчево  1995г
Димитар Узунски „Како настанало село Драмче“,емисија за радио   Делчево  1989г
Димитар Узунски „Некогаш активни денеска не“ ,Просвета“ Скопје  15.11 .1968г
Дневник  „Дедо Мите заигра на 90 год и со еден бубрег“,број 2881 од   8.10  2005г
Вест  „Македонија нема ум да туризам“,број 904  од 13.07.  2003г
Вест  „Познатото оро прослави 60 години“ ,И.Ст. број 2532  од 24.11. 2008г
Вечер  „Деведесеидве годишниот дедо Митко ја изигра Копачката“  9. 06. 2008г
Вест  „Старци играат како момчиња“
Илинденски денови  , Билтен  број
Механџиски Ѓорѓи  „Разигран вез на Копачка“ , Екран  Скопје
Механџиски Ѓорѓи  „ Разиграни драмчани“,Нова Македонија  9.07.  1975г
Маневски Васил „Настап на два фестивали“ , Вечер  30.07. 1976г
МТВ  „Сокол од Драмче“ ,документарна емисија  Скопје
МТВ  „Македонската книга на живите“,документарен филм  Скопје
МТВ  „Фолклорно гумно“ музичка емисија, Скопје  1976г
МТВ  „Од изворот до обработката“документарна муз.емисија  Скопје
МТВ  „Народни музички инструменти-Тапан“  Скопје
М.Џима„Првата вечер во знак на Драмче и Амзибегово “,Н.Македонија 31/о7.1975г
Нова Македонија  „Дедо Митко го изигра орото Копачка “,9.06.2008 Скопје
Олга Иванова „Месните имиња на областа по сливот на Брегалница  Скопје    1982г
Општина Делчево , „Делчево“ ,брошура  „Европа 92“  Кочани
Општина делчево  „Добродојдовте во Делчево“  „Европа 92„  Кочани
Општина Делчево  „Саем на стари занаети“  „Европа 92“   Кочани
Општина Делчево  изложба „Заслужни граѓани  на општината „  Делчево  2002 
Општина Делчево и Републички завод за заштита на спомениците
на културата , „Пијанец од праисторијата до денес“,брошура  Скопје  2001
Сусрети , весник на југословенските аматери-„Седми дан сусрета“,Ваљево  1983
Шпиц  „Копачка се игра и на 92 години“  9.06.  2008
7.    Signature on behalf of the State(s) Party(ies)

The nomination should conclude with the original signature of the official empowered to sign it on behalf of the State Party, together with his or her name, title and the date of submission.
In the case of multi-national nominations, the document should contain the name, title and signature of an official of each State Party submitting the nomination.

15 May 2012 (last revision)