Does Macedonia means: tall, long, highlander
and why not ?
There is a English source that is no older than 1863 CE claiming that Macedonians were
"Tall , Long & Highlander " .1
According to "Oxford English comprehensive etymological dictionary", based at previously Lexicon meaning of Macedonian name is the same :
"Macedonia means 1300, Macedone, from Latin Macedonius "Macedonian," from Greek Makedones "the Macedonians," literally "highlanders" or "the tall ones," related to makednos "long, tall," makros "long, large" (from PIE root *mak- "long, thin").2
The archaeological view and the way archaeologists think suggests that while they were alive, the Macedonians were tall people, so that means they would be long after they were passed away...
At these etymologies as English as they are ,as comprehensive as they are ,we do not have answer on the question :
- Why it is so ?
Linguistically view :
Explainations of "highlanders or tall or long ,large .. linking to the guessing root of PIE *mak- long, as reconstruction is
inaccurate and misleading.
The similarity in the words Macedonia, makros,* mak- leads to nothing more than the fact that in these words there are similar letters whose meaning is different and which cannot be confirmed even if the assumed root *mak is ever encountered.
Let's talk about reconstruction .
Thereis a symbols of * named as asterisks that is used.
" * - The asterix indicates these forms are not found in manuscripts or inscriptions,but are assumed to have preceded the extant forms.3
There are plenty of examples of based on guessings word reconstruction without
confirmed that anything, any tangible document or records of any kind have ever been found or can be found.
Such is the example of the origin of the word - a word for which linguists also have a wrong beginning because they trace its root to *were.
"This is reconstructed to be from PIE root *were- (3) "to speak," source also of Avestan urvata- "command;" Sanskrit vrata- "command, vow;" Greek rhētōr "public speaker," rhetra "agreement, covenant," eirein "to speak, say;" Hittite weriga- "call, summon;" Lithuanian vardas "name;" Gothic waurd, Old English word "word."4
This technique of guessing for finding the roots of words, which is today done using the asterisk *, was previously done using the brackets ( ). That this is so, we have stated in the negotiations of the Lexicon that I mentioned. Here is a scan of that part.
() Between these brackets stand the Etymological remarks; either immediately after the Word to be explained, or ( if they run to any length) at the end of the Article.
Words in Capital Letters are Roots or presumed Roots.
Where the Root of a word is quite obvious, it has often been omitted, to save space."5
Here we are dealing with Englishman guessings and here is why it is so .
First, there is no confirmation that anything has been found.
If there had been, it would have been heard by now that their assumptions had been confirmed.
Second and more importantly, it is called influence.
You are talking about at least 3000 years of civilization,you are proud
for the spread of Greek culture, art, language not only in the Balkans, not only in the Mediterranean, not only to India and Indonesia, but also throughout the Western world.
This influence of yours, instead of propaganda, can best be seen through comparison.
Comparison of words and their meanings that from your Greek language should also be present in the languages of the peoples of which the Greeks were superior in everything.
There is no confirmation of the influence that the Greek language had on neighboring languages.
With the methodology of comprehensive linguistics, such a thing is not observed, that makes it incompetent
The observation of the influences from one language to another is done with another linguistic approach called indirect comparative methodology.6
What is comparative methodology and how and how it does this linguaguistical tool as an aid contribute to understanding the influence that one language has on other languages?
- The comparative method is a technique for studying the development of languages by performing a feature-by-feature comparison of two or more languages, as opposed to the method of internal reconstruction, which analyzes the internal development of a single language over time.
-Ordinarily both methods are used together to reconstruct prehistoric phases of languages, to fill in gaps in the historical record of a language, to discover the development of phonological, morphological, and other linguistic systems, and to confirm or refute hypothesized relationships between languages.
The comparative method was developed over the 19th century. Key contributions were made by the Danish scholars Rasmus Rask and Karl Verner and the German scholar Jacob Grimm.
The first linguist to offer reconstructed forms from a proto-language was August Schleicher, in his Compendium der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen, originally published in 1861.
- .. Subjectivity of the reconstruction .
The reconstruction of unknown proto-languages is inherently subjective. In the Proto-Algonquian example above, the choice of *m as the parentphoneme is only likely, not certain. It is conceivable that a Proto-Algonquian language with *b in those positions split into two branches, one which preserved *b and one which changed it to *m instead; and while the first branch only developed into Arapaho, the second spread out wider and developed into all the other Algonquian tribes. It is also possible that the nearest common ancestor of the Algonquian languages used some other sound instead, such as *p, which eventually mutated to *b in one branch and to *m in the other. Since reconstruction involves many of these choices, some linguists prefer to view the reconstructed features as abstract representations of sound correspondences, rather than as objects with a historical time and place. The existence of proto-languages and the validity of the comparative method is verifiable in cases where the reconstruction can be matched to a known language, which may only be known as a shadow in the loanwords of another language. For example Baltic-Finnic languages such as Finnish have borrowed many words from an early stage of Germanic, and the shape of the loans matches the forms that have been reconstructed for Proto-Germanic. Finnish kuningas 'king' and kaunis 'beautiful' match the Germanic reconstructions *kuningaz and *skauniz(>German König 'king', schön 'beautiful')."
If we are talking about at least 3000 years of civilization spreading of Greek culture, art, language ,not only in the Balkans, not only in the Mediterranean, not only to India and Indonesia, but also throughout the Western world,that influence of theirs, instead of propaganda, can best be seen through comparison.
Comparison of words and their meanings that from Greek language should also be present in the languages of the peoples of which the Greeks were superior in everything.
Let's compare to see if that's the case...
Comparative analysis Done by AI , compare between Greek,Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, English,German,Italian, Arabic, Turkish, Armenian,Farsi,Urdu and Hindi languages
"Here's a breakdown of the meanings and nuances of the words "tall," "long," and "mountaineer" across the requested languages.
1. Tall
Word: Ψηλός (Psilos)
Meaning: High or tall; refers to height.
Context: Can describe people, objects, or mountains.
Word: Altus
Meaning: High, deep (depending on context).
Context: Often used for height or figurative elevation.
Word: Alto
Meaning: Tall or high.
Context: Describes height, but also volume or rank.
Word: Alto
Meaning: Tall or high.
Context: Used in the same way as Spanish.
Word: Tall
Meaning: Refers specifically to height.
Word: Hoch or Groß
Meaning: Hoch means high; groß means tall (for people).
Context: Varies based on the subject.
Word: Alto
Meaning: Tall or high.
Word: طويل (Tawil)
Meaning: Long or tall.
Context: Same word is used for both height and length.
Word: Uzun
Meaning: Long or tall.
Context: Used interchangeably for length and height.
Word: Բարձր (Bardzr)
Meaning: High or tall.
Word: بلند (Boland)
Meaning: High or tall.
Word: لمبا (Lamba)
Meaning: Tall or long.
Context: Same word is used for height and length.
Word: लंबा (Lamba)
Meaning: Tall or long.
Context: Similar to Urdu.
2. Long
Word: Μακρύς (Makrys)
Meaning: Long (in distance or time).
Word: Longus
Meaning: Long.
Word: Largo
Meaning: Long.
Word: Longo or Comprido
Meaning: Long (distance or duration).
Word: Long
Meaning: Refers to length or duration.
Word: Lang
Meaning: Long.
Word: Lungo
Meaning: Long.
Word: طويل (Tawil)
Meaning: Long or tall.
Word: Uzun
Meaning: Long or tall.
Word: Երկար (Yerkar)
Meaning: Long.
Word: طولانی (Toolani)
Meaning: Long (duration or distance).
Word: لمبا (Lamba)
Meaning: Long or tall.
Word: लंबा (Lamba)
Meaning: Long or tall.
3. Mountaineer or highlander
Word: Ορειβάτης (Oreivátis)
Meaning: Someone who climbs mountains.
Word: Montanus
Meaning: Of the mountains; mountaineer or mountain dweller.
Word: Montañero
Meaning: Mountaineer; someone from the mountains.
Word: Montanhista
Meaning: Mountaineer or climber.
Word: Mountaineer
Meaning: A person who climbs mountains.
Word: Bergsteiger
Meaning: Mountain climber.
Word: Alpinista
Meaning: Mountaineer or climber.
Word: متسلق الجبال (Mutasalliq Al-Jibal)
Meaning: Mountain climber.
Word: Dağcı
Meaning: Mountaineer.
Word: Լեռնագնաց (Lernagnats)
Meaning: Mountaineer.
Word: کوهنورد (Kuhnavard)
Meaning: Mountaineer.
Word: کوہ پیما (Koh Paima)
Meaning: Mountaineer.
Word: पर्वतारोही (Parvatarohi)
Meaning: Mountaineer.
We are trying to be as neutral as I we can.
If in theirs, and that's Western mostly English and German entire philosophy
Macedonia means :
-Tall, Long, Mountaineer
then it is logical that :
-Tall, Long and Mountaineer means Macedonia .
However, that is not the case in any language.
Let's ask ourselves why not?
That is because
Greek as young language has done
NO INFLUENCE worldwide .
Let's go step by step
That Macedonia means Tall,Long and Highlander we haven't got any linguistics support from Greek and languages around Greek,neither from any language in the World.
And because there is not Linguistical support we can truly speak about Linguistical guesses made by English linguistics.
1.Scott,Liddle and group of authors,"Grek -English English - Greek Lexicon", London,1869...p 956
3. S.A. Handford and Mary Herberg ," POCKET LATIN DICTIONARY LATIN -ENGLISH ENGLISH-LATIN ", Berlin and Munich ,Germany 1955,1966, page.....10"
5.Scott,Liddle and group of authors,"Grek -English English - Greek Lexicon", London,1869... introduction