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Thursday, September 24, 2020




Christmas developed in part from the Saturnalia which was held in Rome on roughly corresponding dates.   The Saturnalia was, as it sounds, a celebration in honor of Saturn.  One of the most remarkable aspects of the festival manifested itself in the tradition of allowing slaves to rule over masters, at least symbolic.
Presumably this tradition was related to Saturn’s position vis-à-vis a usurping Jupiter.  To wit, during the Saturnalia, symbolically, Saturn, the Semitic slave, ruled Jupiter, the Aryan master.   The festival was developed, in part, to honor a passed “Golden Age” when Saturn or, clearly, Jews or proto-Jews ruled.
That Christmas would develop in part from this tradition is wholly appropriate as both Christ and Saturn are manifestations of the Jewish God or Jewry embodied.  But further, the winter in general was understood in the Greco-Roman world as belonging to Bacchus or Dionysus.  To wit, it was a time of decadence, degeneracy, darkness and death. Bacchus, likewise, is an important manifestation of the Jewish God as this study explicates.
Here though, in the nadir of winter, the Winter solstice was also celebrated, signifying the beginning of a return to the spring and summer months.  I argue that we, identifying with the solar, are obliged to be above seasons, directing them.  Hence, in my view, it is a symbolism of limited or dubious value, passive in its tone.  For the moment, however, let’s focus on this figure of Saturn.
Saturn, an important manifestation of the Jewish God in the ancient world.
In Histories 5.2, Tacitus writes “The Jews are said to have been refugees from the island of Crete who settled in the remotest corner of Libya in the days when, according to the story, Saturn was driven from his throne by the aggression of Jupiter.”
Here, it should be clear to the modern reader, Saturn is being suggested as a personification of the Jewish people in much the way Judah or Yahweh may be understood as a personification of the Jewish people. Likewise, it should be our confident assertion that the expulsion comes at the hands of an Aryan faction personified in Jupiter.  Jupiter represents the Aryan force that overthrows the Jewish power to establish a eugenic direction personified in his son Apollo.  Hence, technically, it is we, who are Jupiter, while our secured, ameliorating descendants Apollo.
Regarding their Sabbath Tacitus writes: “We are told that the seventh day was set aside for rest because this marked the end of their toils…Others say that this is a mark of respect to Saturn, either because they owe the basic principles of their religion to the Idaei, who, we are told, were expelled in the company of Saturn and became the founders of the Jewish race, or because, among the seven stars that rule mankind, the one that describes the highest orbit and exerts the greatest influence is Saturn. A further argument is that most of the heavenly bodies complete their path and revolutions in multiples of seven.”[1]
The name Idaei is derived from the name of Mount Ida, the highest mountain in Crete, around which the Idaei dwelt.  This was a mountain sacred to the Titaness Rhea or Magna Mater, the sister and wife of Cronus or Saturn.  Tacitus likewise relates the speculation that the name Judaei, from which Jew is derived, is “the barbarous lengthening of Idaei.”
Likewise both the ancient Hellenes and the Hebrews would identify Saturn or Cronus with the Semitic El, one of the names used to describe the Jewish God in the Hebrew Bible.   Hence, narratively, in the Greco-Roman cosmology, again, the usurpation of this earth god, Saturn, by a sky god, Jupiter, represents the restoration of an Aryan hegemony.  To be clear, this does not mean that all of the Titans should be considered racially Semitic, only (to the extent they opposed Jupiter) Jewish dominated and controlled.
Thus when we understand the chief god of Carthage was Moloch[2] or Saturn, we understand this was an empire under Jewish control, yet perhaps not in all its parts Semitic.  After all, for a long period, even if employing vast mercenary forces, it waged war effectively against Rome.  Thus, doubtlessly, it retained some meaningful vestigial Aryan element capable of making war against a primarily Aryan Rome, practicing an essentially Aryan Religion.
Celestial Titans like the Sun Titian Helios, for example, a near Apollo equivalent, may be understood as descriptions of an undiluted or relatively undiluted Aryan remnant within a Judaized regime.  Hence figures in the Olympian reign descended from these beings may likewise be understood as descending from undiluted or relatively undiluted Aryan blood.  This is true so long as they are not usurping Gods.
[1] Tacitus, Histories 5.4
[2] Mythologist and archeologists speculate that Moloch, who the ancients identified with Saturn, was an early form of Yahweh. I will have the opportunity to argue that it is better to understand him as another aspect or “emanation” of the Jewish God persisting to this day.